Delivery and Returns
Delivery Policy: Immediately after purchasing the services of 211 Medya, our customers can be assured that they will receive an e-mail with their access information and necessary directions. You can access our services instantly by following the instructions in the e-mail content. Since the delivery of our digital products takes place online, there is no physical delivery.
Returns Policy: Returns are not accepted for our digital services. Refund requests are not processed as access is provided after purchasing the Services. To learn more about the details of our services and the content offered, please do not hesitate to ask questions before purchasing. You can rest assured that we will do our best to provide you with the right service.
Customer Satisfaction: As 211 Medya, customer satisfaction is our priority. We are happy to assist you with any questions, concerns or assistance you need regarding our services. Our expert team members are ready to assist you with anything. You can contact us using the contact information on our contact page.